Monday, 30 September 2013

Create and Delete Website from PowerShell.

I thought I would share the whole solution rather than just the SSL Binding code.

Import-Module WebAdministration

function Add-Site([string]$folder, [string]$sitename, [string]$protocol="http", [int]$port, [int]$sslport, [string] $hostheader, [string]$thumbprint, [string]$appPoolName, [hashtable] $appDetails, [string]$version="v4.0")
 if ( -not ( Get-Website | ? {$_.Name -eq $sitename}))
  if ($hostheader)
   New-Item iis:\Sites\$sitename -bindings @{protocol="$protocol";bindingInformation="*:$($port):$($hostheader)"} -physicalPath $folder
   New-Item iis:\Sites\$sitename -bindings @{protocol="$protocol";bindingInformation="*:$($port):"} -physicalPath $folder
  if (-not($thumbprint) -or -not ($sslport))
   Write-Error "Ensure that a Certificate Thumbprint and SSLport are set for HTTPS Bindings"
   Write-Host "Let's clean up a little bit here..."
   DeleteSite $sitename
   AddSSLBinding $thumbprint $sitename $sslport $hostheader

  if ($appDetails -and $appPoolName)
   CreateAppPool $appPoolName
   SetAppPoolVersion $appPoolName $version
   foreach ($app in $appDetails.GetEnumerator())
    MakeApplication $sitename $app.Name $app.Value 
    SetAppPool $sitename $app.Name $appPoolName
   Write-Warning "The website $sitename has been created with no applications or applicationPools. Nothing wrong with this, just saying"

function Remove-Site([string]$sitename, $appPoolName)
  Get-ChildItem IIS:\SslBindings | ? {$_.Sites -eq $sitename} | %{ Remove-Item iis:\sslbindings\$($_.pschildname) -Force -Recurse}
  Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites\ | ?{$_.Name -eq $sitename} |% { Remove-Item  IIS:\Sites\$sitename  -Force -Recurse}
  Get-ChildItem IIS:\AppPools\ |? {$_.Name -eq $appPoolName} | %{ Remove-Item IIS:\AppPools\$appPoolName -Force -Recurse }  

function AddSSLBinding([string]$thumbprint, [String]$sitename, [int]$port, [String]$hostheader)
 $cert = Get-ChildItem cert:\LocalMachine\My | ?{$_.Thumbprint -eq $thumbprint}
 if( -not($(Get-ChildItem iis:\sslbindings| ? {$_.Port -eq $port})))
  New-Item IIS:\SslBindings\!$port -Value $cert | out-null
  if ($hostheader)
   New-ItemProperty $(join-path iis:\Sites $sitename) -name bindings -value @{protocol="https";bindingInformation="*:$($port):$($hostheader)";certificateStoreName="My";certificateHash=$thumbprint} | out-null
   New-ItemProperty $(join-path iis:\Sites $sitename) -name bindings -value @{protocol="https";bindingInformation="*:$($port):";certificateStoreName="My";certificateHash=$thumbprint} | out-null
  Write-Warning "SSL binding already exists on port $port"

function MakeApplication([string]$sitename, [string]$applicationName, [string]$folder)
  New-Item "IIS:\Sites\$sitename\$applicationName" -physicalPath $folder -type Application | out-null

function CreateAppPool([string]$applicationPoolName)
  New-Item IIS:\AppPools\$applicationPoolName | out-null

function SetAppPool([string]$sitename, [string]$application, [string]$applicationPool)
  Set-ItemProperty IIS:\sites\$sitename\$application -name applicationPool -value $applicationPool | out-null

function SetAppPoolVersion([string]$applicationPool, [string]$version)
  Set-ItemProperty IIS:\AppPools\$applicationPool managedRuntimeVersion $version | out-null

Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-Site,Remove-Site
An example of how to use it the above module to add a new site, assuming that it's been saved as Module.psm1. The thumbprint needs to be of a certificate already installed in your server on the LocalMachine\My store. This will create a website with an http binding in port 80 and an https binding on port 443 using the certificate passed in (thumbprint). An application and virtual directory called TestService will be created. All that remains is to copy the website files.
Import-Module Module.psm1
$testAppdetails=@{"TestService" = "$Path\TestService"}
Add-Site -folder $path -sitename "testsite" -protocol "http" -port 80 -sslport 443 -thumbprint "FE1D6F1A5F217A7724034BA42D8C57BEC36DD168" -appPoolName "testapppool"  -appDetails $testappDetails
and an example of how to remove the same site:
Remove-Site -sitename "testsite" -appPoolName "testapppool"

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