Sunday 15 January 2012

Windows Azure from Windows XP

A few days ago a colleague pointed out that thanks to our subscription to MSDN we get free access to the Microsoft cloud system, Windows Azure. So I thought I would give it a try, boy was I in for a surprise.

After signing up and logging in, I made an attempt to get the SDK to see what all the fuss was about and this is where all the fun began. Microsoft's answer to Yum or Aptitute,  Microsoft Web Platform Installer was installed and then all the pre-requisites are installed in order, which takes an awful long time and when you think it has finished, you realized it has failed to install everything because, and I'm not kidding, IIS 7.x is needed, say what? I'm running Windows XP, why the b£$%^& h!"£ would it not check this first? I appreciate that each installer will run its own checks but why doesn't MS Web PI check this? Why isn't it clear that development on Windows XP for the Windows Azure is no longer supported, if it ever was. I sometimes dispear with Microsoft.

You need to go to the microsoft download page, e.g. sdk 1.4 itself to check the pre-requisites as there is nothing on the Windows Azure page itself. If you click install this launches MS Web PI and then you run through the whole frustrating process.

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