The snippet shows how to do this. There is a check to ensure that MSMQ is installed and because we are using Win 2008 R2 and compiling in Windows XP, the win64 attribute is set to yes.
<Wix xmlns="" xmlns:msmq=""> <Property Id="MSMQ" > <RegistrySearch Id="msmq" Type="raw" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\CurrentBuild" Win64="yes"/> </Property> <Condition Message="Please Ensure that MS MQ is installed"> <![CDATA[Installed or MSMQ]]> </Condition> <util:Group Id="Admins" Name="Administrators"/> <util:Group Id="Everyone" Name="Everyone"/> <msmq:MessageQueue Id="fil1004" Label="Log Queue" PathName=".\Private$\logging" Transactional="no" PrivLevel="none" > <msmq:MessageQueuePermission Id="fil1005" Group="Admins" QueueGenericAll="yes"/> <msmq:MessageQueuePermission Id="fil1006" Group="Everyone" GetQueueProperties="yes" GetQueuePermissions="yes" WriteMessage="yes" /> </msmq:MessageQueue>
Just a small typo, the namespace in the last block is incorrect, (msqm rather than msmq).
thanks for pointing this out.
Deletesorted now