Friday, 1 January 2016

Cloning Reddit to learn ASP.NET 5 - Part 3

In the last post we applied a database migration but nothing occurred.

The reason for this was that the RedditContext class was not tracking any of the objects nor where the relationships specified on the OnModelCreating.

So I've modified the RedditContext class

using Microsoft.Data.Entity;

namespace Reddit.Models
    public class RedditContext : DbContext
        public RedditContext()

        public DbSet<RedditUser> RedditUsers { get; set; }
        public DbSet<UserDetails> UserDetails { get; set; }
        public DbSet<SubReddit> SubReddits { get; set; }
        public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }
        public DbSet<Comment> Comments { get; set; }
        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
            var connection = Startup.Configuration["Data:RedditContextConnection"];

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                .HasKey(x => x.RedditUserId);

                .HasKey(x => x.UserId);

                .HasOne(x => x.UserDetails)
                .WithOne(x => x.User);


In order to recover from this mistake, we want to apply the new migration, but the Core migration contains nothing so I will first unapply it
dnx ef database update Start
dnx ef migrations remove
dnx ef migrations add Core
dnx ef database update
This time it worked .... hurray

At this point, it's worth considering how will this be deployed to a test environment and the answer is pretty simple. A migration script can be created with the following command:
dnx ef migrations script
This creates a Sql script that can be used to create the database.

It's time to have another look at our repository
Let's start with the IRedditRepository, where we now have a few methods and this time we'll try to implement some of them.
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Reddit.Models
    public interface IRedditRepository
        UserDetails GetUserDetails();
        IEnumerable<SubReddit> GetSubscribedSubReddits(RedditUser user);
        IEnumerable<SubReddit> GetSubReddits();
        IEnumerable<Post> GetSubRedditPosts(SubReddit subreddit);
        IEnumerable<Comment> GetPostComments(Post post);
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Reddit.Models
    public class RedditRepository : IRedditRepository
        private readonly RedditContext ctx;
        private readonly ILogger<RedditRepository> logger;

        public RedditRepository(RedditContext ctx, ILogger<RedditRepository> logger)
            this.ctx = ctx;
            this.logger = logger;

        public IEnumerable<Comment> GetPostComments(Post post)
            return ctx.Posts
               .Where(x => x.PostId == post.PostId)

        public IEnumerable<Post> GetSubRedditPosts(SubReddit subreddit)
            return ctx.SubReddits
                .Where(x => x.SubRedditId == subreddit.SubRedditId)

        public IEnumerable<SubReddit> GetSubReddits()
            return ctx.SubReddits.AsEnumerable();

        public IEnumerable<SubReddit> GetSubscribedSubReddits(RedditUser user)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public UserDetails GetUserDetails()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Straight away we see that there are going to be problems as we lack paging capabilities, but we'll add those later

In any case, we'll need to expose these method somehow, there are potentially two options here depending on what we're trying to accomplish: 

We could use these methods from inside a Controller or We could create an API and we're definitely going for the latter as it's way cooler

Create a new folder called Api inside the Controllers folder and add a new  Web API controller class, called SubRedditController
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc;
using Reddit.Models;

// For more information on enabling Web API for empty projects, visit

namespace Reddit.Controllers.Api
    public class SubRedditController : Controller
        private readonly IRedditRepository repository;

        public SubRedditController(IRedditRepository repository)
            this.repository = repository;

        // GET: api/values
        public IEnumerable<SubReddit> Get()
            return repository.GetSubReddits();


We can now build and debug the project. This allow us to navigate to http://localhost:<portnumber>/api/SubReddit

Unfortunately this does not work:

We'll look at the solution to this problem in the next post.


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