Thursday 20 September 2018

Visual Studio 2015, Git, Aurelia and case Sensitiveness

The support team was complaining today that they couldn't reset user passwords anymore, which was surprising.

After a bit of digging there was this really useful error

Unhandled rejection (SystemJS) Template markup must be wrapped in a <template> element e.g. <template> <!-- markup here --> </template> Error: Template markup must be wrapped in a <template> element e.g. <template> <!-- markup here --> </template>
and a more useful part

Error loading https://....../dist/main/user/resetPasswordDialog.html!template-registry-entry

The issue is that there is discrepancy in case for the first letter of the view, so that it's looking for this:


but we actually have this:


Simple error to fix, right?

This is where things get interesting.

Git's client on Visual Studio 2015 would not recognise the change of case on the file name as a change and thus I had a bit of a problem.

I tried making changes to the file to force the change but to no avail, in the end and to cut a long story short, it turns out that I could change the case directly on Visual Studio Team Services or should I say Azure DevOps?

In any case, I suppose this is a Windows thing  but it was very annoying as I thought I might need to get creative, e.g. spin up a Linux VM and clone the repo ...

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