Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Check-out/Check-in code programmatically in TFS 2010

We are using TFS 2010 to store MS Dynamics CRM 2011 solutions. I created a tool to export the solutions from the server to a file, but in an effort to automate and possibly speed up build deployments to test from our development environment I created a class with a few methods to check in and out files and directories.

The CommonHelper.WriteMessage and LogException methods, use a trace listener from System.Diagnostics to the write to a log file. The LogException method is in essence described in this post. It contains the code inside the catch statement.

Feel free to suggests improvements, as I'm not too sure this is the best way of doing it, all I can say is that it works [the excuse of the bad coder :-)].

 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
 using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
 using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
 using System.Configuration;
 using System.Net;
 using DeploymentTool;
 namespace Deployment.ExportSolutions
     public class TFSOperations
         string collectionUrl, projectPath;
         NetworkCredential credential;
         public TFSOperations(string url, string path)
             collectionUrl = url;
             projectPath = path;
             //I know, I know but nobody cares.
             string user = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["user"];
             string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"];
             string domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["domain"];
             credential = new NetworkCredential(user, password, domain);
         public string CollectionUrl
             get { return collectionUrl; }
             set { collectionUrl = value; }
         public string ProjectPath
             get { return projectPath; }
             set { projectPath = value; }
         public enum PathType
         public bool CheckOut(string Path, PathType PathType, int RecursionLevel = 2)
             bool result = false;
                 CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Check that {0} {1} exists.", (PathType)PathType, Path));
                 if (PathType.Equals(PathType.File) && File.Exists(Path))
                     result = CheckOut(Path, RecursionType.None);
                 else if (PathType.Equals(PathType.Directory) && Directory.Exists(Path))
                     result = CheckOut(Path, (RecursionType)RecursionLevel);
                     CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("{0} {1} does not exist.", (PathType)PathType, Path));
             catch (Exception ex)
             return result;
         public bool CheckIn(string Path, PathType PathType, int RecursionLevel = 2, string Comment = "I'm too lazy to write my own comment")
             bool result = false;
                 CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Check that {0} {1} exists.", (PathType)PathType, Path));
                 if (PathType.Equals(PathType.File) && File.Exists(Path))
                     result = CheckIn(Path, RecursionType.None, Comment);
                 else if (PathType.Equals(PathType.Directory) && Directory.Exists(Path))
                     result = CheckIn(Path, (RecursionType)RecursionLevel, Comment);
                     CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("{0} {1} does not exist.", (PathType)PathType, Path));
             catch (Exception ex)
             return result;
         private bool CheckOut(string Path, RecursionType RecursionLevel)
             bool result = false;
             CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Get All LocalWorkspaceInfos."));
             WorkspaceInfo[] wsis = Workstation.Current.GetAllLocalWorkspaceInfo();
             foreach (WorkspaceInfo wsi in wsis)
                 //Ensure that all this processing is for the current server.
                 if (!wsi.ServerUri.DnsSafeHost.ToLower().Equals(collectionUrl.ToLower().Replace("http://", "").Split('/')[0]))
                 Workspace ws = GetWorkspace(wsi);
                 CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Check-Out {0}.", Path));
                 ws.PendEdit(Path, (RecursionType)RecursionLevel);
                 CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Checked-Out {0}.", Path));
                 result = true;
             return result;
         private bool CheckIn(string Path, RecursionType RecursionLevel, string Comment)
             bool result = false;
                 CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Get All LocalWorkspaceInfos."));
                 WorkspaceInfo[] wsis = Workstation.Current.GetAllLocalWorkspaceInfo();
                 foreach (WorkspaceInfo wsi in wsis)
                     //Ensure that all this processing is for the current server.
                     if (!wsi.ServerUri.DnsSafeHost.ToLower().Equals(collectionUrl.ToLower().Replace("http://", "").Split('/')[0]))
                     Workspace ws = GetWorkspace(wsi);
                     var pendingChanges = ws.GetPendingChangesEnumerable(Path, (RecursionType)RecursionLevel);
                     WorkspaceCheckInParameters checkinParamenters = new WorkspaceCheckInParameters(pendingChanges, Comment);
                     if (RecursionLevel == 0)
                         CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Check-in {0}.", Path));
                         CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Check-in {0} with recursion level {1}.", Path, (RecursionType)RecursionLevel));
                     if (RecursionLevel == 0)
                         CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Checked-in {0}.", Path));
                         CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Checked-in {0}  with recursion level {1}.", Path, (RecursionType)RecursionLevel));
                     result = true;
             catch (Exception ex)
             return result;
         private Workspace GetWorkspace(WorkspaceInfo wsi)
             TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(wsi.ServerUri, credential);
             CommonHelper.WriteMessage(string.Format("Get Workspace."));
             Workspace ws = wsi.GetWorkspace(tpc);
             return ws;

1 comment:

  1. How MAX length (limit) for property **string Comment**

