In reality things are a bit more complicated and will be discussed in a future post.
In this example we will create a Service Bus queue that will receive any new Search Engines so that these can be processed by a single 3rd party system.
From the Azure Portal
2. Register Service Endpoint
In order to register a Service Endpoint we will need the connection details for the Queue, which can be obtained from the Azure Portal.
- Register New Endpoint
- Add Connection Details
- Complete Registration
The Message Format is important as the code needed to read the messages will be different depending on the format.
3. Test
We create a new Search Engine
We can see that the message has been sent on Azure Portal
4. Processing Queue Messages
We create a new Search Engine
We can see that the message has been sent on Azure Portal
4. Processing Queue Messages
The code used to process the Queue messages can be found here and the full VS Solution can be found here.
Some of the code has been pilfered from the CRM Samples and updated it to work with the latest version, at the time of writing of Azure Service Bus.
The verbosity of the messages is peculiar and it would be nice to be able to do something similar to plug-in (Pre/Pro)EntityImages, namely just send a few parameters.
In this highly contrived exampled we might just need to send two parameters (name and url) to our 3rd party system, yet ~ 5 KB of data are sent.
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